Become a PAtron / Or Use Paypal!
Noclip is entirely funded through the support of our fans and community. We do this to ensure we do not feel the corrosive effects of advertising while creating our content. This freedom allows us to fairly cover these games while creating a stable, long-term business model. Patreon is ideal for us as it helps us stay stable and independent. But if it isn’t for you, you can also donate via the Paypal button below.
What do we spend The money on?
Flights - We fly all around the world with loads of equipment. It's fun but expensive.
Accommodation - Hotel, Airbnb, a stranger's floor. We've done them all.
Crew - Camera operators, motion graphics designers, colorists and more.
Artists - We hire artists to create music & art for our docs.
Running Costs - Internet. Electricity. Food. Uncle Sam's cut.
Equipment - Cameras, lenses, HDDs, lights, stands, microphones, drones!
Living Expenses - Rent, food, kitty litter, health insurance.
If you don’t want to use Patreon or Paypal we also take open donations here on Donorbox.