Time: February, 2018

Location: London, ON, Canada

Series Videos:
Warframe Documentary Trailer
Warframe Documentary (Part One) - The Story of Digital Extremes
Warframe Documentary (Part Two) - The Story of Warframe

Extended Interviews:
Warframe's Rebb Ford on Community Management 
James Schmalz on the History of Digital Extremes
Steve Sinclair on Creating Warframe

The story of Warframe has been five years in the making but the story of Digital Extremes has been going on a lot longer than that. Much like our Rocket League series, one of the most attractive things about this project was being able to talk about the development of the early days of the Unreal franchise. From there we dive into the changing face of game development work-for-hire, and ultimately end on the incredible story of Warframe.

Production Credits: Jeremy Jayne

Warframe Documentary (Part One)
- The Story of Digital Extremes

In the first part of our series on the remarkable story of Warframe, we dive into the history of Digital Extremes and explain how the co-creators of Unreal transformed into a work-for-hire studio, and eventually found themselves having to make the leap to Free-to-Play.

Warframe Documentary (Part Two)
- The Story of Warframe

In the final part of our Warframe documentary, we dive into the design of Digital Extreme's free-to-play phenomenon and explain the lengths the team had to go to, to ensure players kept coming back.